It never fails to amaze me how some children keep their desks spotless with no instruction, while others are hopelessly messy even after I have repeatedly shown them how to stay neat and organized! Which kind of student were you?
He has not even a crayon out of place.
This is after I had just helped him get organized this morning!!
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Additional thought for the school day: The kids can be amazing. I had one of those mornings where nothing seemed to go my way. I left my water bottle at school the previous day. I couldn't find my keys. I had 5 wardrobe changes as nothing seemed to match or be clean. I got stuck in traffic and almost missed my meeting with my principal. I was disgruntled and out of sorts and was still wearing a brown shirt that didn't really go with my grayish pants and definitely didn't go with my yellow socks. My children came up from bus line noisely and I felt the day was just not going to go well... Then one little boy shot me a beautiful grin and said, "Mrs. Jewart, I like your outfit today." We sat down, got to work, and what do you know? It wasn't such a bad day after all =)