Saturday, June 05, 2010


The other day I was trying to find acceptable clothing to wear out in public. (For some reason, Eric gets cranky when I try to leave the house in what he deems PJs... Although I maintain that yoga pants are totally normal to wear outside these days!) It was quite the struggle as I'm stuck in that weird middle ground, maternity clothes look odd and bunchy and regular clothes don't zip or snap. I feel so much more normal sized these days that it was quite the let down to realize that I still can't wear normal clothing. I got very annoyed until I remembered how I was only 6 weeks ago... I looked at this photo, and I felt much better.

36 weeks 6 days
(the day before delivery)

1 comment:

Annika said...

It looks like I could have fit in there! Hang in there and yoga pants are perfectly acceptable.