Tribute to Grandpa
My grandpa, who passed away this weekend, was the epitome of grandpas. He was warm and loving, never short on hugs or kisses and his whole face would light up when any of his grandkids walked into the room. He was always so proud of us, boring the neighbors and random folk in the grocery store to tears (I'm sure) talking endlessly about our accomplishments and triumphs--no matter how large or small. He was funny, jolly, and good-natured, easy to talk to and wonderful to listen to as well. He was all that, and so much more--intelligent, gentle, athletic, handsome...I could go on and on.
I never doubted that he loved me with his whole heart, and I hope he knows how much I love him too.
That's really sweet Melissa
I'm very sorry to hear this. My regards to you and your family.
Our deepest sympathies go out to you. And your Grandpa is watching over you for sure. Love never leaves us.
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