So after years of reading other people's postings, I think I may be finally ready to create my own. Mostly because I am really loving this concept of a photoblog. I know I don't have the dedication to write daily updates nor do I really have the desire to have an online diary! But I do so love to share my pictures... And hopefully something like this will get me back out there taking new ones! It will be interesting to see if anyone out there will take notice and if I can have the follow through to carry this out. I guess only time will tell!
It's really a shame that most of my work is film... And I haven't yet bitten the bullet to buy the new digital camera. I guess for now I'll make do with my little point-and-shoot! Perhaps if I'm consistent enough, I'll be able to convince myself (and my husband) to spend the cash on something nicer.
Am currently charging the battery on my camera! Perhaps I'll dig through my folders to find something to start off with, or perhaps I'll wait to post until I have something new to go with. Either way, am thinking that Sundays would be a good day to update... See you then =)