I tell you, working with children is just the best thing ever. They constantly do things that surprise me and touch me.
Last week we were completing a project for valentine's day where the students write compliments for each other and I put them into a book. I'd been having a particularly cranky week and was busy throwing myself a pity party about how much life can suck, how nothing seems to be easy or go my way, blah, blah, blah... When I send the kids to go wash up for snack, a student (who I am constantly on to be more on task) comes up and hands me this:
For those of you not fluent in first grade, allow me to translate: "Mrs Jewart. Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Anthony" Entirely on his own, he took an extra copy of the paper and came up with this note to hand me on the way out the door. My eyes were so teary that I couldn't see to tell him to stop running in the hall.
I am such a sap these days. That actually brought a small tear to my eye.
He's fortunate to have you as his teacher.
Awww, that is too cute!
Yes! I still have it! I got the translation on the first try! 4 years (and hopefully more) have def. made me fluent! You've gotta love the valentines!
Hope all is well!
Julie :)
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